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Candy Apples
Caramel - 5 lb Block
Oringer Caramel - 8 lb Can
Large Apple Sticks
Apple Wraps - 12x12
Apple Magic
Apple EZ
Apple Bags
Cotton Candy
Flossine - Assorted Flavors
Flossugar - Vanilla Pink and Blue Raspberry
Pre-Packaged Candee Fluff - 1 oz
Bags - 1000 ct, 100 ct
Jumbo Bags - 500 ct
Cones - 1M, 4M ct
Plastic Ties
Whirl-Grip Stabilizers
Leather Floaters
Syrup - Assorted Flavors
Cups - 6 oz
Plastic Pumps
Concession Equipment and Other Supplies may be ordered
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